Plot: Due to the consequences of main character decisions, faced with a grim reality in the westernmost corner of the Czech Republic.
Story: A young girl Dorotka, who hails from eastern Slovakia. Full of determination and naive expectations regarding her new life; she takes on the job of a seamstress in a small factory on the Czech-German border town of Aš. The story is inspired by real events and surroundings and modelled on the fate of migrant workers, who come to Aš to earn some money and in some cases, end up just surviving.
Story, screenplay and director: Iveta Grófová
Director of photography: Viera Bačíková
Year of production: 2012
Country of production: Slovakia, Czech Republic
Genre: drama
Length: 80 min
Languages: Slovak, Czech, German
Subtitles: English
Rating: PG – 15
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Distribution formats DCP, Blu-ray, DVD
Official distribution premiere in the Slovak Republic: 13. September 2012
Distribution company: Asociácia slovenských filmových klubov